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About the Artist

I'm Kole. Aspiring artist extraordinaire!


Just kidding! ^__^;;

Anyway, as you all know now, I'm the artist of Violet. I also do most of the dialog, the site malignance/html/programming and some of the plot ideas and characters. I'm really happy that I have the opportunity to be part of a project like this. My goal is to become a comic book artist and this is great practice.

That's about it for me. If you have any questions, comments or just like to randomly talk to people like my self, feel free to contact me or look me up on DeviantART or LiveJournal. I hope you all enjoy Violet!


Email: ko_chama@hotmail.com

AiM: Mikio Rikikuu

Livejournal: gootan


Violet is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.